Terms of Use

Your use of the MichiganATM.com website is governed by the following terms of use. By using the website, you accept these terms:

You shall use the site for lawful purposes only. You shall not post or transmit any content that is illegal, offensive or defamatory, or otherwise use the site in a manner that infringes the rights of others. The content of MichiganATM.com's website is protected by copyright and trademark laws. You may print a copy of any portion of our site for your own personal use, but you may not further copy, reproduce, modify, distribute, upload, publish or transmit any portion of the site, including code and software. We make no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of the content of our website. We provide the information "as is" and without warranties of any kind. We disclaim all warranties, express and implied, to the fullest extent permitted by law. We do not warrant that our website will operate uninterrupted or error-free or that the site and the server that hosts it are virus-free. Under no circumstances shall we be liable for any direct, indirect, special or consequential or punitive damages that result from your use of the site. We assume no responsibility for the conduct or acts of users or other third parties.

If you are dissatisfied with any aspect or content of our website, or disagree with these terms of use or with the Privacy Policy posted on our website, your sole remedy is to cease using the website.